Friday, January 25, 2008

Tha Intarnet Is Surrrrius Biznaz!

WOW. I get to be on the periphery of ridiculous high school poo and fucktardery on the internets, which I guess (?) is being perpetuated by people in their thirties and above.
And I am being chivvied to Take Up Arms and Play Along with the meaningless shite.

Ok, here it is.
THE INTARWUBS ARE MOSTLY MAKE BELIEVE. Internet people are essentially IMAGINARY FRIENDS. No offense, I intellectually know there are real people typing, but this a giant fucking masquerade ball, don't kid yourselves. It's a slightly less entertaining MMORPG, the whole blogging and posting world.
Do note, I was always polite to my imaginary friends, especailly Punky Brewster because she was so rad and we had awesome adventures and whatnot. I was an only child from the sticks, I couldn't risk being a dick to my imaginary friends - I needed them to stick around!

My advice to sufferers of blog "stalkers" and "vandilizers":
DO grow up. Seriously. There is a little trash can icon on commentor's posts, use it. If it's on someone else's blog or board, hope they like you enough to trash it, or IGNORE IT. Or don't. Get a grip though.

Everyone has a piddly, meaningless, jokey blog for the most part. Don't like what someone's commented? DELETE IT. Or reply back and start a flame war, but do remember the saying about fighting on the internet being much like the special olympics. Do.
Also, blocking people, comment verification and privacy filters are fantastic tools for dealing with creeps! They are! Any fucktarded 12 year old with a myspace account knows this...why doesn't anyone I encounter? I understand that sometimes the way of the web are lost on anyone who remembers the 70's and 60's, but my oh my. If you're posting on a decent enough site, you CAN and SHOULD block assholes if that is your wont. This goes back to Personal Responsibility, which I am a gigantic fan of. I really am.

However, it does seem like people have such dull fucking lives that they need to spam people and send gossipy consiprational emails around their little circles of Imaginary Intarwub Friends creating maaaaaaaaaad drama. If that is your thing, cool. I was not that kid in high school, despite being a drama and art geek. I was an ANGRY drama and art geek but also a redneck metalhead stoner kid (I realize that must be hard to imagine), and beat up kids who did that sort of thing when my name was involved in it. I did. Please don't tell my mom. This is retarded. Get cable, or a vibrator, or a good book and maybe something constructive to do whilst you're bored off your ass at work.

And that has been another exciting installment of She Who Does Not Suffer Fucktardery Ever At All Whatsoever (TM).


Kelly Peeples said...

I just wish you wouldn't delete the fucktarded comments, because THAT is ENTERTAINMENT! I'm off to play with my vibrator.

Secret Agent Squid said...

No, no, the blog is entertaining - at least to me. It's a purely selfish and wholly narcissistic show I run here! Well, I like good or *truly* funny comments. Or at least ones that contribute.


Anonymous said...

I think you've got this all wrong. The internet is a place for people with personality disorders/cripplingly low self-esteem/martyr complexes to hide behind the ether and shout shrilly at people who aren't like them. It gives them an arena, where they can run free and frothing at the mouth, and it makes them feel brave and less generally worthless. It is mean and unfair to ignore them or delete their comments, when all they want is a full blown imaginary drama, which will only cease when they have proved once and for all that they are right (never, in other words).

Secret Agent Squid said...

I don't know. I think MMORPG covers that, though? Personality disorders and shrill assholery? At least the ones I have played. I like to not be female on those just to avoid the rampant dickheadedness.
It's a good thing I am mean and unfair, because I tend to get a kick out of it...usually only in the bodouir, but on the blog is good too, my mental puke here will not be violated!

FirstNations said...

but if you don't take sides then the entire world will fall apart and catch on fire and big planets will fall out of the sky and pterodactyls will attack.


and, in answer to you question I have no idea, but its pretty hot stuff!