Saturday, April 19, 2008

Where I yank the stick out of dark unmentionable orifices.

Ahhhh. There is nothing like waking up to....birds. The smell of coffee. And nothing else. No husband lecturing the kiddo, no kiddo falling off the potty across the hall from my bedroom, no neighbors running a table saw at some ungodly hour for the second year straight, no shitty crotchrockets revving for twenty damn minutes at 5 am across the street, no NADA ZIP ZILCH.

Why am I blessed with silence and good smells of roasty caffinated delciousity?

Because there is SWIM CLASS. *cue choir of angels descending and yodelling their little wings off*

Swim class (or tee ball, or gymnastics, or really anything that gets the kid out of the house, including grafitti on overpasses and playing craps in a dark alley) is a godsend. It is at 9 am, which means Manwife and Squidge have hopped the bus or putted down in Old Blue at about quarter til, much earlier than SSAs like myself are even expected to function properly or are *able* to wake at all. Except perhaps to wee.

So while those two creep out, I have my large bed and all the pillows and quilts TO MYSELF. I can sprawl without being kicked, I can roam about in my sleep without getting too close to the swampy sleeper (manwife!) and getting sticky and damp and basted in Manwife sweat. I can kick half the covers off. I can sleep right in the very middle of the bed, where the pillows form a sort of massive pillow-crack (cleavage?) and I can bury myself to hide from the blinding light coming in through our twin skylights over the bed. Whoever thought skylights in bedrooms was a good idea needs to be slapped repeatedly.
Another good thing, I don't have to deal with the Backyardigans, or Blue's Clues, or Spongebob, or any asinine kid's show, or whining about not being able to watch said asinine kid's shows. No. Why?

THEY ARE GONE! It is quiet. There is coffee, a deep lack of responsibility (including pants-wearing), and I am glad.

JEEBUS BLESS YOU, YMCA SWIM CLASSES. Now please be two hours long instead of a 1/2.


rockmother said...

I am so glad for you. Similar here - mine abnormally playing very nicely in his room and not watching Drake and Josh (I worry - he is 6 and loves Drake and Josh already). I can only hear birds because for some reason they have diverted the planes. Probably a terrorist alert and no one has thought to tell me. Aaghhh! Blues Clues!!! The theme tune used to give me insomnia.Now it's just back-to-back Drake and Josh with their cod-rock! I might have to have another coffee.

BEAST said...

Aaaaah sounds idyllic , enjoy while the silence remains.
I agree with you on skylights in bedrooms , a really stupid idea!


now if there was only a way to lock the doors for an extra couple of hours....

Anonymous said...

oh good grief, skylights? in the bedroom? like, where you sleep? wtf!!! i have one window in my bedroom and it currently has a black sheet over it to make sure no light emerges so i can pretend to not know when daylight occurs.

as far as getting rid of the others, well, that's why i'm single. i don't share my bed very well. even if it is king size.

FirstNations said...

isn't it LOVELYYYYY?
oh yeah, i remember those kid free mornings fondly.
oh wait, that describes my whole life now. YAY!

The Mistress said...

Oh for heaven's sake, I already know YOU!

Inner Voices is playing a game on his blog so I clicked on you (from his Blogroll) to check you out, not realizing the Yipster is another name for SSA.

Oh good grief, Beast has been here. I wondered what that smell was.

Oh and there's the MotherShip too.

Did she tell you you're getting a new daddy?

It's John Cleese.


*knocks on door*

hey, wtf? how bout something new to read... been missing the manwife updates and all that...

*bangs on door*


*walks back down steps and paints ufo landing strip on street out front*