Friday, January 18, 2008

Ok so what the hell, here.

Here is the deal.
If you don't like the way I write, or the slang I use, or the voice in which I choose to address the world, fuck off and don't come here. It is exactly that simple.
No, I do not hesitate at rejecting comments that are posted with the sole purpose of being twatty and heinous. Not at all, since this is my fucking brain puking and what the hell's it to you, any how?

(Other than that BS, Hi! I feel a bit better, just irritated that I am apparently still in Jr High...?)

WTF, mates. If you're here to be a twat to me because you're disgruntled with my ma, well...fuck off then, eh? I am not going to hold your hand and assure you she is horrifically unfair or be hurt on her behalf. Please be somewhat of an adult about conducting your affairs in blogland. Poo jokes are great, but weird hate-by-proxy is not.

Thanks much,

The Management


rockmother said...

Ooh - what happened? And yep - you tell'em SSA - there are some painfully weird randoms out there - best to be avoided.

Moominmama said...

"Day-am" as you mum would say. There be some drama going on? What happened? Wanna share? (I likes me a bit of salacious gossip, i does.)

Secret Agent Squid said...

rockmother - Nothing too heinous, no weird threats or anything, just a good dose of snark and snottiness that goes beyond the realm of friendly ribbing. Mainly from the male sector. And I tell you what, I put up my boundaries when I gotta!

cb, no salacious gossip, just cheeky bastards thinking they'll sneak some subtle putdowns and insults to my smarts past me. HA!

Secret Agent Squid said...

no, dude, though I love the idea. it's not a huge huge deal, I think I just very obviously had to lay my boundaries down with those prone to drunken/assholish posting.


"drunken/assholish posting"

shit that sounds like me.... is there anything i should be aware of!?!?

Secret Agent Squid said...

Assholish does not apply to you, m'dear. Drunken...well...heh heh!
As long as your comments keep showing up you're good, man!

Rimshot said...

Yeah! The SSA laying down the hammer!

Snark is such a cool, fun word.

Hope yer feelin' better. I have nothing witty or pithy or clever to say at the moment, but...erm...hi.

