Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Bloggin - don't wanna.
Rain's stopped, there's baby stuff to be crafted up, and two more seasons of Law and Order, SVU to watch.
Add to that, a kid that needs to learn to draw his shapes and write letters, a husband who is going back to school again, and a brain that needs constant stimuli...

Well, I just don't have the patience or will, yo.

Will post pix of goings on in craftyland later.



rockmother said...

Yes - I know how you feel. I've been feeling too stupid to blog much lately so have been commenting instead. Good luck with everything. I now have to go and re-align my squidget's bedroom and bedsheets which he covered in a quarter of an inch thick of purple and gold glitter earlier - I kid you not. I think he is going to have an interesting and highly individual life. Or he just hates me and glitter-protested his bedroom in a show of defiance knowing full well it meant he would have to sleep in mummy's bed for the night! Damn - that's what it was!


*standing in corner playing worlds smallest violin*

whaaaa waaahhh waahhoo...